Bacteria based protein for Aqua-Feed (NoveX)

NovFeed is an agritech company, the company uses a proprietary chemical free biotechnology to up-cycle organic waste to produce affordable, sustainable, and high-quality bacteria-based protein Ingredients targeting animal feed manufacturers. NovFeed Startup is located in Dar es salaam , the largest waste producing area in the country producing 9,000MT per single day and protein ingredient supply gap of about 244,064 MT annually. Dar es salaam city has approximately 90 animal feed manufacturers, each with a demand range of 30-1000 tons per month of protein ingredients. Six (6) feed millers have already indicated interest to purchase from NovFeed and signed one contract with feed miller who purchase at price of $1,000/MT and supply feed to 50-70 fish farmers per month.The bacteria-based protein production presents an excellent pathway for increasing the supply of animal feed from a natural .
11. Which revolution does your start-up contribute to?
Food - agriculture - protein
18. In which region does your start-up mainly operate?
19. In which country is your start-up head office located?
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Go ahed scale your single cell bacteria, I would like to know how will farmers adopt to your solution? How is easy to get the raw materials your using in production process
hace 3 años
Hello Renald Thanks for your comment and question, starting if farmers will adopt, our main focus is producing protein and sale to animal feed millers those feed millers are the one using protein to make complete feed, in future we plan to supply directly to 4000 farmers who make their own feed and are not supplied by distributors and that is where we will need to create more awareness. In term of waste that we are using, in Tanzania yearly we produce around 10 millions tonne of organic waste, in Dar es Salaam alone we produce 9000MT per day and expect to reach 15,000 by year 2030, so our input won't be a problem even when we scale.
hace 3 años
We are excited to see what Single Cell protein will bring to the aquaculture industry
hace 3 años
NovFeed team your doing amazing job to revolutionise aqua-feed industry, keep good work out there.
hace 3 años
The Idea of using low carbon emission and alternative protein ingredients is the way to go toward sustainable aquaculture Industry I owe what team does so far, I have Known NovFeed in their Insect based feed and I see more future in aqua-feed Industry, Keep innovating.
hace 3 años
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4Revs Innovation Challenge 2021

Helping humanity solve its main survival challenges in one generation (2020-2050)

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